A Blind Spot

Ralph Filicchia March/April 2016

In the past a majority of the 60 million Christians in the United States have voted for candidates they believed were morally superior. But how do you determine what makes a morally superior candidate? Is it enough to be against abortion, partial birth abortion, gay marriage, and stem cell research that destroys human embryos, and for traditional values and Jesus Christ?

Do certain litmus issues trump all other positions held?

But for Christians the story doesn’t end there. Christianity is not concerned only with today’s morals and issues, but also with the future’s values. Christianity is a religion with a prophetic element that cannot be easily dismissed. As briefly as it can be put, the following must be understood: Many Bible-based Christians believe that the end of this age will be dominated by an entity or figure referred to as the antichrist. This individual will be empowered by Satan and is presented in Revelation 13 as the “beast from the sea,” with an identifying number of 666. This individual or system will for a short time become a world ruler who controls all commerce to the point where no one can buy or sell unless they have the mark of the beast on their hand or forehead. In other words, do it his way or you starve!

At the present time the world is rushing headlong toward globalization and a New World Order. Trade agreements are being pushed that are arguably detrimental to the United States but seemingly good for developing countries. Borders between countries are slowly being abolished, perhaps planned by those who want the world identified not by countries but by economic zones. This might explain the reluctance of more than one administration in this country even to address the problem of illegal immigration. It is possible that planners are looking to the development of the coming New World Order, the merging of economic regions—and if some Americans are short-changed in the process, so be it, as the planners figure it will be worth it in the long run.

In the early 1990s Clinton adviser Strobe Talbott outlined that administration’s preferred approach to world affairs: “Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete. All states will recognize a single global authority.”

A chilling statement if there ever was one. It could be taken as the equivalent of saying “Goodbye, America, and everything you ever stood for.” This “preferred approach” is not endemic to the Democratic Party, of course. At the present time it is the “approach” of both parties, neither of which has been given a mandate for this by the American people.

Consider the words of President George H. W. Bush, in his state of the union address on January 29, 1991, referring to the first war with Iraq:

“We know why we’re there. We are Americans, part of something larger than ourselves. . . . What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea: a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind. . . . The world can, therefore, seize this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order.”

Madness? Insanity? Religious fanaticism? Call it what you will, but many evangelical Christians believe this world government will be established. What they may not notice (fail to understand) is that some of the main architects of this coming state of affairs may be those public figures who present a moral agenda while unknowingly setting the stage for the emergence of the antichrist. Many fail to see any contradiction between their support for moral domestic values and an accompanying agenda to bring about the world coalition the Bible warns of.

Evangelicals should be able to see through the glib claims of those who would solicit their support, but there is at least one huge blind spot called the abortion issue, and many are, unfortunately, unable to see past it. Which means that unless they wake up and begin taking the long biblical view, they will be instrumental in taking their country down a disastrous path leading to its loss of sovereignty, values, culture, and freedoms. While trying to save their country, they might actually harm it!

Any new world order will likely not be the promised millennium. It will be more akin to the Tower of Babel, which in the end produced nothing, because the final outcome of this world is in God’s hands, and not in the hands of multinational gangsters, power-mad politicians, utopian dreamers, or the biblically illiterate who might be used by all of the above.

Article Author: Ralph Filicchia

Ralph Filicchia writes from Watertown, Massachusetts.