Hands Off!

Lincoln E. Steed March/April 2012

I first heard about the health-care religious liberty furor while listening to a White House press briefing. Under new health-care insurance requirements, church-run hospitals might be required to provide employees with insurance coverage for contraception! Roman Catholic hospitals were objecting that this denied their rights of religious freedom.

The Roman Catholic position on contraception takes a thoroughly biblical worldview and tries to make a general mandate that only a minority of Roman Catholics themselves follow. This view has not rallied other religionists the way that the Catholic Church’s anti-abortion stance has. The abortion issue has become a powerful political rallying point. Contraception has not, until now, had anywhere near the political resonance.

Like nearly everything public that happens just before an election, this seems to me to be more about politics than religion. I wonder if some of the reaction to the health-care mandate is not more about influencing Catholic voters than it is about church-state separation! And why react now! After all, this comes from the long-since-passed health reform act, which surely was well enough known. And while the mandate was to have originally kicked in this year, an extension took it to August 1, 2013.  If the presidency changes, one could reasonably presume the demise of what has become known as “Obama Care” before that date. And in a further compromise the administration have suggested that coverage for contraception be free for all—and somehow paid by the insurance companies. A messy way of diffusing the issue, to be sure, but not one which further casts question on the dubious claim that this is truly a religious liberty issue. It might have some traction as a woman’s rights one. If so, potty-mouths like Rush Limbaugh seem more than up to showing the hypocrisy swirling around this discussion.

Liberty magazine has no license to favor one party above another. Our concern is to ensure that any civil leadership respects true religious freedom. This magazine has long held that the best religious freedom model is the one that in the United States gets its mandate from the First Amendment of the Constitution:  a separation of church and state. It’s worth remembering that, counter intuitively, the First Amendment was not an amendment after the fact, as the designation would imply. Rather its inclusion with the original core draft of the Constitution was the very condition for passage of the whole document.

But what is true separation in this present furor? Is it as is said currently by the bishop of Syracuse, for example, that “the government should not mandate or force any religious entity to do something they believe is morally wrong.” A deeply held view, no doubt, but a little more ambiguous in this case than one would think.

From what I hear and read, the question devolves around providing insurance that offers the contraception option to employees who are mostly non-Catholics in operations that serve mostly non-Catholics; often with money provided by the State.

While there is a legitimate reason to react in horror at any suggestion that the State might compel people of faith to act against their conscience, this case might not be so easily categorized.

If the government is intent upon bending people of faith to its will, I would expect all who value religious freedom to object. If the Roman Catholic Church, or any other church, seems inclined to use public service leverage to ensure public policy matches its own, I would hope that our same freedom group would cry No!

The real sleeper issue here, as it is with much of the political warfare of the present day, is money. Liberty magazine has consistently warned church organizations against taking state money. We have from the very beginning of the Faith-Based Initiative of the previous administration (an initiative still alive and kicking against the First Amendment establishment prick) warned that it is inimical to church-state separation for public monies to be used to advance any particular faith view. So it would seem a little ungrateful to the public purse for a church to object when the state applies generally applicable regulations to an operation it might tend to see as its pocket money project.

It is a shame that I have to write this  on the occasion of complaints from the Roman Catholic Church. They are not the only ones who have taken money, only to cry foul. It is true that Catholic charities, for example, take more government grants that all other denominations combined. But other church groups would take more if they could. In my view there is a parallel between the revelation of undue government control by lobbyists and their money and the corruption of true religious freedom occasioned by the eagerness of most churches to reach into the public treasury.

It may be that the various lawyers will finesse this current imbroglio against the Administration—or rap the knuckles of church/public institutions. I cannot see that far ahead at this point. I know only that with its decision in the Hosanah Tabor case the Supreme Court just passed the most resounding affirmation possible for church integrity—if churches keep to the business of the spirit. I know only that love of money remains a root of evil, and even churches are tempted in this regard. I know only that the distinction between the proclamation of the gospel commission Jesus called for and the monolithic religious uniformity of the Middle Ages is in the presence or absence of compulsion. I know only that the difference between state accommodation to religious activity and state compliance with religious activity goes to the heart of the difference between freedom and persecution.

Article Author: Lincoln E. Steed

Lincoln E. Steed is the editor of Liberty magazine, a 200,000 circulation religious liberty journal which is distributed to political leaders, judiciary, lawyers and other thought leaders in North America. He is additionally the host of the weekly 3ABN television show "The Liberty Insider," and the radio program "Lifequest Liberty."